PPO Serve

Meet the team.

Our team holds many years of clinical, analytical, business strategy, product development and project management experience within the healthcare industry. Our credibility in this space is continuously growing especially when it comes to the pioneering efforts leading the transformation to value-based care.

Group 2737
Dr Brian Ruff
Group 2756
Ms Lungile Kasapato
Group 2754
Ms Erin Magongo

Join Our Program for Value-Based Care.

GEMS patients can join our program to receive proactive healthcare.

Meet Our Partner

Dedicated to enriching lives, together.

Foundation for Professional Development

The Foundation of Professional Development was established in 1997, as a higher education institute. FPD’s mission is to catalyse social change by developing people, strengthening systems and providing innovative solutions. They are our ideal partner in terms of technical expertise, breadth of operations, healthcare credibility and influence.

General Enquiry.

The Value Care Team - Sign Up.

Healthcare Provider Contact List.

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Become a Partner.

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Join PPO.

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Medical Schemes Enquiry.

Sign up to receive updates on when new medical schemes join PPO Serve to offer the Value Care Team Programme in their benefits. 

GP Practices Enquiry.

Please fill in your details to learn more and view healthcare provider’s list.

Patients Enquiry.

Medical Schemes' Sign Up.

Patients' Sign Up.

Doctor's Sign Up.