PPO Serve

Discover our past programmes.

Our past programmes demonstrate how we have provided patients with affordable, accessible and high-quality healthcare.

HIV Product

The GP Care Cell®

Our HIV screening and treatment product with the Gauteng Health Department and PEPFAR. It was first in the Tshwane District, then Ekurhuleni and finally in Johannesburg and Sedibeng. We managed a network of regional GP practices, including their access to ARTs and lab tests and provided the IT systems for clinical and stock information capture and tracking. It screened over 60 000 people and enrolled 6000 people living with HIV. It stopped when the PEPFAR funding ended. 

Maternity Product

The Birthing Team®

Our maternity product with frontline midwives supported by obstetricians, working together to provide affordable, high-quality care for their shared patients, without medical scheme cover. An upfront guaranteed global fee reflected each mother’s needs. Launched in mid-2017, the team approach was very successful in demonstrating an alternative to the typical single obstetric model, and some of the big units reduced their caesarean section rates to 20%. However, the programme lost the support of the hospital group and is no longer offered.

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Medical Schemes Enquiry.

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GP Practices Enquiry.

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Patients Enquiry.

Medical Schemes' Sign Up.

Patients' Sign Up.

Doctor's Sign Up.